Personal injury law

theme No.: 11W
responsible federal state: Bavaria
date: 21.03.2023 - 24.03.2023

An important number of civil judges - coming from various specializations such as medical malpractice, road traffic law, insurance law, but also general practitioners - deal with claims raised from caused bodily harm. The conference targets the specific legal questions which arise in this field, all by taking also into account some general principles of the law on damages.
In lectures, discussions and exchange of experience, the legal issues will be examined, concrete calculation methods will be practiced and comparative strategies will be discussed.
Centres of gravity will be:
  • Causation and damage in cases of personal injury
  • Calculating immaterial damages for pain and suffering, and dealing with non-numbered claims
  • Contributory negligence and duties to mitigate the damage
  • Loss of income and damages in housekeeping
  • Strategies towards settlements.

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Deutsche Richterakademie - Tagungsstätte Trier: trier(at) - Tagungsstätte Wustrau: wustrau(at)