Environmental law in administrative judicial practice

theme No.: 2d
responsible federal state: Bavaria
date: 15.01.2023 - 20.01.2023

The conference is aimed at judges of administrative jurisdiction. The target group are all those who deal with environmental and nature conservation law (the water law and the circular economy law are not part of the conference).
Current topics in the field of environmental and nature conservation law are to be dealt with, in particular the UmwRG, current developments in the field of lawsuits by environmental associations, environmental law (including nature conservation law) issues in lawsuits relating to wind power plants, the areas of environmental impact assessment, species protection and Natura 2000. The topic of “climate protection” should also be addressed.
Lectures with discussions are scheduled.
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Deutsche Richterakademie - Tagungsstätte Trier: trier(at)deutsche-richterakademie.de - Tagungsstätte Wustrau: wustrau(at)deutsche-richterakademie.de