Update Labour Law - Problems in Labour Law and Labour Law Proceedings

theme No.: 31d
responsible federal state: Berlin
date: 09.10.2023 - 13.10.2023

This conference is aimed at judges in labour courts.
The main focus lies on presentations and discussions on current issues in individual and collective labour law as well as adjacent areas of the law. Current trends in legislation and in the current case law on procedural and substantive law will be covered, including the influence of European law. Senior experts from all instances of labour courts as well as other practitioners and legal scholars will offer insights from various perspectives.
Additionally, it is custom to cover a „fringe topic“, like general social-political issues that have a bearing on labour law. Furthermore, an excursion, often a factory visit to a company in the vicinity of Berlin, will be part of the seminar. Participants will gain insights into the practical application of labour law in discussions with HR-officers and members of the works council.
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Deutsche Richterakademie - Tagungsstätte Trier: trier(at)deutsche-richterakademie.de - Tagungsstätte Wustrau: wustrau(at)deutsche-richterakademie.de