Volume V of the Social Insurance Code – recent developments in compulsory health insurance law (with a focus on contribution and insurance law including status determination)

theme No.: 29d
responsible federal state: Schleswig-Holstein
date: 25.09.2023 - 29.09.2023

The seminar addresses judges of the social law jurisdiction.
Health insurance law and the respective case law are subject to constant changes that do not provide clarity in all matters. The jurisdiction of the Federal Social Court (Bundessozialgericht) gives answers to many current legal questions. Still there are doubts remaining how to implement this jurisdiction into dealing with everyday cases as a judge.
The seminar deals with certain areas of concern regarding Volume V of the German Social Insurance Code (SGB V) including the law of contributions and statute as well as the area of billing of hospital services. These areas will be reviewed mainly from the jurisdiction´s perspective but the legislative viewpoint as well as the position of the social insurance agencies will not be ignored.
Apart from dealing with current developments there will regularly be a focus on a special topic. This year contribution and insurance law including status determination will be reviewed.
The seminar will offer many opportunities to discuss current practical issues at stake.
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Deutsche Richterakademie - Tagungsstätte Trier: trier(at)deutsche-richterakademie.de - Tagungsstätte Wustrau: wustrau(at)deutsche-richterakademie.de